Vendor Advertising

Advertising opportunities are available on a first come, first served basis so please secure your preference todayAll sponsorship and advertising opportunities are open to active SSALA Vendor Members only.

2025 Event Dates

Spring Luncheon North - Bossier City, LA - March 25, 2025 - Shane's BBQ -   FIND OUT MORE

Spring Luncheon South - New Orleans, LA - March 27, 2025 - The Moore -   FIND OUT MORE

Fall Conference & Expo - Baton Rouge, LA - November 13-14, 2025 - Crowne Plaza


  • Fall Conference: GOLD Sponsorship - 5-minute Commercial Presentation, Trade show booth, prominent logo placement on stage and in event program and Attendance for 2 company representatives (additional reps $100 each)
  • One Luncheon Sponsorship - 3-min Commercial presentation, 6-8 ft Table for product display and attendance for 1 company representative (additional reps $35 each)
  • Social media Spotlight - video/graphic ad spotlight (The graphic or video, provided by the vendor, will be featured on our social media platform leading up to the luncheon you are sponsoring.)
  • Website Banner Ad on homepage
  • SSALA Update E-blasts: 2 eblasts during the year
  • ¼ Page Ad in Newsletter (1 issue) (Ad should be submitted as a .jpg or .pdf at 4”x6” at 300ppi.)
  • Event Banner Recognition at all SSALA events during the year


  • Fall Conference: SILVER Sponsorship - Trade show booth, logo placement in event program and Attendance for 1 company representatives (additional reps $100 each)
  • One Luncheon Sponsorship - 6-8 ft Table for product display and attendance for 1 company representative (additional reps $35 each)
  • Social media Spotlight - video/graphic ad spotlight (The graphic or video, provided by the vendor, will be featured on our social media platform leading up to the luncheon you are sponsoring.)
  • Website Banner Ad on homepage
  • SSALA Update E-blasts: 2 eblasts during the year
  • ¼ Page Ad in Newsletter (1 issue) (Ad should be submitted as a .jpg or .pdf at 4”x6” at 300ppi.)
  • Event Banner Recognition at all SSALA events during the year

Newsletter Advertisement

1/4 Page Ad within the text of the newsletter

1 issue - $125

2 issue - $240

3 issues - $345

4 issues - $440

Website Banner Advertisement

Banner Ad - 150 x 75 pixels

Horizontal Layout

12 months - $150




Product Table available for display of your materials

Company logo on all event advertising and mention in the Quarterly TNSSA Newsletter for that month

Free Luncheon attendance for one vendor representative



Includes: Product Table available for display of your materials

Company logo on all event advertising

Free attendance for one vendor representative and discount pricing of $100 for additional company representatives
Opportunity to lead a round table discussion


Sponsorship of the breakfast provided for our event attendees on the morning of the second day of the event. 

Includes: Product Table available for display of your materials

Company logo on all event advertising

Free attendance for one vendor representative and discount pricing of $75 for one additional company representatives

Wi-Fi SPONSOR - $1,000

Sponsorship of the Wi-Fi provided for our event attendees throughout the event 

Company logo on all event advertising

Free attendance for one vendor representative and discount pricing of $75 for one additional company representative

CHARITY RECEPTION UNDERWRITER - $1,000 (add-on to sponsorship)

Sponsorship of the complimentary charity reception the first evening of the Conference which is open to all attendees

Company logo on all event advertising & prominent mentions throughout event


Purchased as an add-on to a Gold or Silver Sponsorship

Includes: Gold or Silver sponsor items plus the following

1/2 page ad in the event program

Company logo on all event advertising & additional signage at the event


Purchased as an add-on to a Gold or Silver Sponsorship

Includes: Gold or Silver sponsor items plus the following

1/2 page ad in the event program

Company logo on all event advertising & additional signage at the event

*must ship lanyards to SSALA 1 week prior to the event


Purchased as an add-on to a Gold or Silver Sponsorship

Includes: Gold or Silver sponsor items plus the following

1/2 page ad in the event program

Company logo on all event advertising & additional signage at the event

*must ship attendee bags to SSALA 1 week prior to the event

*All Sponsorship fees are non-refundable

Third party advertisements and links to other sites where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by the Louisiana Self Storage Association of the third party sites, goods or services. The SSALA takes no responsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered in all advertisements. 

Louisiana Self Storage Association

13434 Plank Rd, Baker, LA 70714


Phone: 225-955-0015


The SSALA thanks you for supporting our industry. However, the SSALA is a not-for-profit trade association and does not mediate or resolve disputes between self storage operators and tenants. For issues with your facility or unit, please review your rental agreement and contact the individual named there. Alternatively, call, email, or visit the facility in person to address and resolve the concern. SSALA does not have the power, authority, or ability to remedy any disputes between an operator and a tenant.

All rights reserved. Louisiana Self Storage Association 13434 Plank Rd, Baker, LA 70714

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